Sunday, April 24, 2016

Eye hath not seen

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2: 9
As we read these verses, we see through it, miracles, wonders and glories that God has prepared for his people, but the first question to arise is: Is God speaking to this present time or is God speaking to time the eternity. Because if we analyze it carefully otherwise we could preach and not what the verse really meant.
Faith is knowing, even at 1:30 pm, the stars are still in space. The fact not see them does not negate its existence.
Throughout your life you will find a difference between what the Lord tells you, and what the circumstances say. Faith is a decision of who to believe, not only what to believe. We pray with faith, taking the simple yet profound choice to believe that God is there, that He receives us and listening to us. When we told him about the money we need for expenses, for the teeth of children, about the work that we lost or broken friendship we want to be restored, he would answer not saying that these situations are not real. They are real and they knew that even before the were.
Faith is not about a couple of roses lenses; It is not a fantasy, or a religious term for naivety. Jesus promised that "will not leave us" with our own resources or strategies.
Prayer is one of the ways in which He assures us that leaves us alone to deal with the real, and sometimes distressing realities of a broken world. He says, "Have faith in God" (Mark 11:22). It does not say, "Trust in Me; these problems do not exist. " Rather, he says: "Trust in Me; I can handle them in ways that you you can not imagine. "
1. No eye has seen: that we will not see, today all social networks and media, we were able to see things that our ancestors did not see, but very wonderful things seem, God is not refers to that, God refers to a wonderful spiritual world, as the wonderful spiritual world that great men of prayer and consecration saw through aT
2. Moses saw the burning bush and in the fire and was not consumed. Saw, the plagues that descended on Egypt, saw the Red Sea Opening.
3. ELIAH:  saw the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and afternoon, (God said, I have commanded the ravens to take you bread and meat), Vio opened the Jordan River, saw the chariots of fire that came to get him to take him to heaven.
4. DAVID: He saw how God before him defeated the giant Goliath, and after that I saw, as Israel conquered the land God had promised and that judges could never conquer.
By having faith in God and His wonderful promises to take charge of our lives and use us in a ministry, we can be sure, in advance, that He is faithful to His word. What promises is as good as what has already been delivered.
... Today I see what my natural eyes can not see.

Lord, Thank you for opening my eyes to contemplate what naturally can not see. Today that surprised me once again. Amen.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Como esta a sua visão espiritual? Meditações sobre Salmo 73 

Uma limitação séria, mas tão poderoso quanto seus globos oculares são, têm uma limitação significativa. Todo olho único nesta sala tem uma falha fatal. Seus olhos só pode ver a realidade física. Todos os olhos nesta sala estão limitada a ver as coisas físicas: carros, pessoas, edifícios, aviões, cães, grama, poluição, micróbios, árvores, livros, computadores. Todas estas coisas são fisicamente, e são a única parte da realidade acessível aos nossos olhos. Nossos olhos são completamente inúteis quando se trata de perceber a realidade espiritual. O lado espiritual da vida é tão real quanto o aspecto físico; simplesmente não podemos vê-lo. Oh, não cometa o erro de pensar que o espiritual é menos real do que o físico. Não é. É tão real, só que não podemos ver. Mas é lá e tão real quanto os globos oculares na cabeça.
Finalidade de tentar convencer de que tão valioso quanto vista físico é, você tem um par de olhos espirituais que são ainda mais valioso. Não só você tem olhos espirituais, mas você deve usar se você quer viver uma vida que encontra a sua satisfação em Deus.
Todo ser humano tem olhos espirituais. Deus nos deu, para que possamos compreender as realidades espirituais da vida. Infelizmente, aqueles que não confia em Cristo são completamente cegos espiritualmente. Paulo escreveu em 2 Coríntios 4: 3-4: Mas se o nosso evangelho está encoberto, é velado para os que estão perecendo, entre os quais o deus deste século cegou os entendimentos dos que não acreditam que eu não veria a luz do evangelho da glória de Cristo, que é a imagem de Deus (2 Coríntios 4: 3-4, ênfase minha).
Eles não podem ver a menos que o Espírito Santo lhes dá vista. Tragicamente, aos olhos de muitos cristãos não está ótimo também. Muitas vezes, a nossa visão espiritual é cegada pelo brilho do que nossos olhos físicos veem. Eu quero convencê-lo que é mais importante para garantir que seus olhos espirituais pode ver claramente que qualquer outra coisa que você faz.
Salmo 73 é o que os estudiosos da Bíblia chamam uma canção individual de ação de graças ou uma sabedoria Salmo. Neste Salmo, um autor está diante de uma congregação de fiéis reunidos e agradecer a Deus por entregá-lo em algumas circunstâncias difíceis. O tempo de testemunho tem múltiplas finalidades. Em primeiro lugar, o salmista quer agradecer a Deus pelo livramento; Em segundo lugar, queremos fornecer um aviso para os outros sobre o que quase aconteceu com ele; Em terceiro lugar, queremos incentivar seus ouvintes a maior fé em Deus.
Mas quanto a mim, os meus pés quase que se desviaram; meus pés quase deslizou debaixo de mim Pois eu tinha inveja aqueles que são orgulhosos, como observei a prosperidade dos ímpios (Salmo 73: 2-3).
Uma terrível conclusão de que dizer que este é um grito de protesto, não um gesto de resignação, porque o salmista sabe em seu coração que algo não está certo. Ele reconhece que os seus olhos estão mostrando a ele, mas ele está em conflito porque ele entende que esta não é a maneira como o mundo deveria ser. Seu senso de justiça, e fé em Deus, diz-lhe que o mal deve obter o que eles merecem:  Ele olha o pisoteio dos ímpios, o direito na poeira. Em vez disso, ele vê-los ganhar o jogo da vida! Agora escute, se você não acha que isso é sério, a ler. O que o salmista viu foi poderoso o suficiente para causar uma crise de fé! ". Na verdade que em vão tenho guardado os meus motivos puros e mantém um estilo de vida puro sofro todos os dias, e eu estou castigado cada manhã" Um homem na beira do desespero continua, cheguei à conclusão, (Salmo 73: 13-14) .
Uma verdade que brilhou Então, como se ele não consegue encontrar qualquer outra forma de reparação, corre ao templo e o resto  explode numa realidade em vista. Como alguém tropeçar em um quarto escuro e depois encontrar o interruptor de luz, o salmista pode "ver" o que tem faltado desde o início! Então eu entrei no recinto do templo de Deus, e sabia o destino dos ímpios (Salmo 73:17).
Exortação Então, como podemos, como o salmista, manter nossos sentidos espirituais em boas condições de funcionamento? Como entrar no santuário e, pela fé, dê uma olhada Aquele que coloca tudo em perspectiva, DEUS? Sim, no santuário te vi, e testemunhou o seu poder e esplendor (Salmo 63: 2).

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Vivir la Vision de Dios

LIVE THE VISION OF GOD Someone said that Vision is looking at life through the lens of the eye of God. Luke 14: 16-24 18 And all as one began to make excuses...LIVE THE VISION OF GOD 
Someone said that Vision is looking at life through the lens of the eye of God. Luke 14: 16-24 18 And all as one began to make excuses. 24 For I tell you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my dinner.
What is the vision? It is the revelation of the plan and purpose of God for one persona church or a house. 
A person might say you get vision, when God reveals to do. Therefore, he tells us where we have to manage and gives specific instructions to introduce and reveal the plan and the project has for us there. To settle down and have God's purpose is important to have a father, church and vision, we can never be without any of these. We must be united to people with vision. A household head is essential to have this.
What causes vision in one's life and in the Church?  Bring: Order, goals, success, prosperity, and purpose. When we view we will have God's revelation which to bring order we will be able to set personal goals and Church, therefore we will succeed in what we do, thus bringing prosperity, it was God's purpose from the beginning to our lives .

The vision operates under a government Whatever God wants to do on earth does through their childrenwhich gives them specific purposes. Hebrews 3: 4-5 "For every house is built by someone; but the builder of all things is God. "
When we receive a draft of God for our lives and for the Church, it is necessary to express it freely flowing. As a result, it will take its style and way of doing things.
Numbers 11: 16-17 "Then the Lord said to Moses: Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know are elders of the people and officers over them; and bring them to the door of the tabernacle, and stand there with you. And I will come down and talk with you there, and take of the spirit which is on you and put it on them; and they shall bear the burden of the people, and not bear it yourself alone. "
It is important that we are attached to the DNA of our leader. To carry out all that God has for us.

What prevents carrying out the vision?                                                        
1- Resistance to change  Some people do not want to change their way of thinking and working; They not want to be inconvenienced in their way of life. They cling to old patterns and do not want to see the new things that God is doing.
Mark 2:22 "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined; but new wine into new wineskins drive them out. "
2- Conformism When a believer is subject to the spiritual level it is, it reaches a point where you no longer interested souls, not to know his call, nor do the will of God; it conforms with what he has and does not care about others or crowds, or multiplication, nothing.
3- afraid to pay the price to fulfill the vision There are countless believers who are afraid to commit to a vision, because they believe they require a lot of work. They prefer to stay as they are, accommodated. Luke 14:16, 18 "And Jesus said: A man made a great supper, and invited many." 18 And all as one began to make excuses.
They fear that this destroys his family by the time you have to invest in it; They are afraid to deviate fanaticism; They feel fear at the prospect of becoming the kind of believer and leader God desires.

4- The Danger of clinging to things of the earth more than Godthe vision of flesh, of the world Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added".

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision
The poorest person in the world is the person who has a dream or a vision and the most frustrated person in the world who have dreams but do not know how they can carry out. Vision is a God-given gift. God has put this gift in each person. While we have this gift, it is our responsibility to stir up the gift 2 Timothy 1: 6 Therefore I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands. Remind this gift in different ways. By developing, improving, enhancing and simply using the gift. Why education is important. Education you can not give the gift, but you can help develop, refine, and enhance the gift so you can at most.
When revive the gift, we will prosper. Proverbs 17: 8 says - Gemstone is bribery for which he practices; Wherever he turns, he finds prosperity. Notice, that the gift God has given you is a precious stone. That's not a small thing, but something of great value in the kingdom of God. Your vision is the key to fulfilling the purpose of your life. God created us for a purpose. The difference between purpose and vision is: * Purpose is when you know and understand that you were born to fulfill. The reason why you exist.
• Vision is when you can see in your mind by faith. The revelation of God shows us the future that God purposed for our lives. Ecclesiastes 3: 10-11 says - I have seen the task that God has given to the sons of men to occupy themselves. 11 has made everything [to] his time. He has also set eternity in their hearts; however [b], man does not find out the work that God has done from the beginning to the end.Here we see that we were born with a purpose. We exist for a purpose. There is a feeling in every person born for a purpose.
Then he says in verse 11 - "has made everything beautiful in its time ... .;" God has chosen, has determined, time to fulfill his purpose in you. Ecclesiastes 3: 1 says - Everything has its time, and all that is under heaven has its time. God chose this time so that we can fulfill God's purpose.
An important key to Understand the vision is that we demos that not only your purpose was given to express, but already the vision has been fulfilled in eternity. In other words, for God is already fulfilled. Isaiah 46: 9-10 says - Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that it has not been done. I say, "My purpose will be established, and all that I please."
Here God mentions two things he does: • First, He sets the end before the beginning. This means He finished things in the spiritual realm and then start again in the physical.  Second, He reveals the end of something results when just begun.
That is why He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Many times we can not recognize the fact that When God starts something, He finished in eternity.
* An example of this is that even before constructing a building, the builder first develop an idea and a plan and then begin to build. Even before laying the foundation, the builder already knows how the building looks. Before starting a project you have to have plans made.
* A painter, before painting, you know in your mind as the drawing seems. The portrait is made on his mind. He just is starting what is already in his mind was over. . So it was with God when he made the heavens and the earth. Romans 4:17 says - ... .and calls things that are not, as though they were.